‘Majority’ Of LGBTQ Weddings Are Traditional
Ever wondered what an LGBTQ wedding would be like? Well, you don’t have to wonder any more because a new study has just been published revealing that 65 per cent of men and 70 per cent of women would describe their nuptials as traditional – even though a third of couples struggled to decide which traditions to uphold. Conducted by The Knot, the survey comes one year after the Supreme Court in the US recognised marriage equality for everyone – and it’s certainly interesting to see what changes have taken place in the last 12 months. It may come as no surprise, for example, that elopements are down, falling four per cent for men and eight per cent for women. And 15 per cent of men and ten per cent of women say they feel the need to get married now that same-sex marriage is legal across the US. As for splashing the cash, men spent an average of $33,822 on their weddings, while women forked out $25,334. Before legalisation, the average cost for male couples’ weddings was $18,242, compared with $16,218 for women. Further research has also just been published by Gallup, which asked adults in the US if they identified as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender, as well as what their marital status was. Before the Supreme Court decision saw same-sex marriage legalised nationwide, 38 per cent of all same-sex couples were married. This has now climbed to 49 per cent. Interestingly, while same-sex marriage has climbed in the 13 states that did have prohibitions where this was concerned, it has also increased in states where it was already legal! For wedding videos in the north west, get in touch with us here at YSD Media today.